Vulnerable road users

You have to be particularly aware of such vulnerable road users as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and horse riders. As drivers, we need to be extra careful near children, disabled and old people, learner drivers and inexperienced drivers.

Watch out for vulnerable road users

You must drive with extra care at the following situations:

  • Near schools, playgrounds, and in residential areas
  • near pedestrian streets
  • in busy and crowded streets,
  • passing bus and tram stops
  • passing parked vehicles,
  • at pedestrian crossings
  • when turning to the residential area, remember to give way to the pedestrians and cyclists on the pavement
  • be extra careful when reversing into a side road. Make sure to look all around the vehicle and give way to any pedestrians who may be crossing the road
  • when turning at road junctions you have to give way to pedestrians and cyclists who are already crossing the road into which you are turning
  • if you approach pedestrians on narrow roads without designated pavement
  • near road works where the pavement is closed and pedestrians are using the road

Children, elderly and disabled

Children and older pedestrians are particularly vulnerable as they may not be able to judge your speed correctly, or not see you at all. Remember that older pedestrians and people with disability may need more time to cross the street. You have to be patient and allow them enough time to finish crossing. If you see a pedestrian carrying a white cane or using a guide-dog, you should know that this is a blind pedestrian. You should approach a blind pedestrian with extra care. If a blind pedestrian is intending to step over the pedestrian crossing, you should stop and allow enough time for him/her to cross the street. You should be aware that blind or deafblind pedestrians are not able to see or hear your instructions.

Motorcyclists and cyclists

Remember to look out for motorcyclists and cyclists. It may be hard to notice them when they approach you from behind or overtake you, when they come out of junctions and in roundabouts.

It is often difficult to see motorcyclists and cyclists, especially when they are coming up from behind, coming out of junctions, at roundabouts, overtaking you or riding through traffic. When turning right where the pavements have a special track for cyclists, remember to look out for them before you turn. You have to give way to all pedestrians and cyclists when you make a turn. Be sure to check your blind spots every time when changing lanes or direction.

If you pass a motorcyclist or a cyclist, you should allow them plenty of space.  Be extra careful because they may need to manoeuvre to avoid uneven road surfaces and may change lane or direction unexpectedly.

Horse riders

If you encounter a horse rider or a horse-drawn vehicle, you need to be particularly careful and allow them plenty of space as you overtake. Look out for horse rider’s signals in order to be able to notice their request to slow down or stop. Just like any animal, a horse can get afraid and act unpredictably. When passing a horse rider you should not use your horn or rev your engine. Instead, slow down and be ready to stop, if necessary.

Herds of animals

If you encounter a herd of animals on a country road and they block your way, you should stop and switch off your engine and wait until the road is clear. Do not try to shout at them, stay inside the vehicle. Do not sound your horn or rev your engine at the animals – you may scare them.