Driving in busy streets

Traffic lights

Green traffic light means that you have the right to proceed.

Red traffic light means that you must stop.

'Red + Amber' traffic light means that the light will soon change to green. However, you must wait until the green light before proceeding.

Continuous amber means that you must stop, if it is safe to brake. If your speed is too high to brake safely, you may proceed on continuous amber.

Flashing amber means that the traffic lights are out of operation. You must proceed with caution. If you are driving on a major road, the intersecting road users must give way to you. Watch out for road markings and give way signs. If there are no traffic sings, this means that the right-hand rule applies at this junction, and you have to give way to all traffic coming from the right.

Remember that traffic lights have priority over the road signs, but policeman signals have in turn priority over the traffic lights. If there is a Stop sign at the entrance to the junction, but the traffic light is green, you may proceed. If the policeman signals that you may proceed, but the traffic light is red, you should disregard the traffic light and follow policeman’s signals.

If a policeman is located in the middle of the junction and facing you with his left arm stretched out, this means that all traffic coming from the front of behind him must stop. Cross traffic has the right to go. If a policeman raises his hand up, all traffic must stop. If a police car is following you with flashing amber and blue lights, it means you have to stop at the kerb.


When you are driving in busy city centers you will often notice a separate lane marked with ‘Bus’ road marking. This is a special lane for public transport vehicles, moped riders and cyclers. You may occupy this lane only before making a right turn. When driving in busy city traffic it is very important to change lanes well in advance to avoid unexpected maneuvers which often lead to dangerous situations and accidents.  It is very important to obey the lane markings on the road and overhead signs telling the direction to be followed by the traffic located in each lane. When changing lanes, always check your mirrors and turn your head to check the blind spot! Before making any maneuvers you must signal your intentions. This makes your driving style more predictable for other road users and reduces the chance of an accident. However, signalling your intentions does not mean that the traffic travelling in the lane where you wish to regroup will right away give way to you. Keep driving in your lane and wait for a suitable gap in the traffic flow. If you see another road user indicating that he wishes to change lane, you should help him do so. In heavy city traffic it is especially crucial to show consideration to other road users and act accordingly.


Overtaking in the wrong place or under the wrong circumstances is a very common cause for traffic accidents. Therefore it is crucial to know the conditions when overtaking is prohibited:

  • On streets with one lane in each direction
  • Before uncontrolled pedestrian crossings
  • Before a railway level crossing without barriers or traffic lights
  • If it cannot be performed safely
  • If there is oncoming traffic in the lane you wish to use for overtaking
  • If you are being overtaken by a vehicle behind you
  • If the vehicle in front is turning left (when you are overtaking on the left-hand side)
  • It is prohibited to overtake a tram just before an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing.

Overtaking on the right is allowed only on the streets with the maximum speed limit of 70 km/h and where there are at least 2 lanes in one direction.

If a car travelling in a neighboring lane in the same direction as you has stopped at an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, you have to stop to give way to possible pedestrians as it obstructs your view. You should do the same if another car is improperly parked just before a pedestrian crossing and obstructs your view.