Driving on motorways

A motorway is a fast road where the traffic going in opposite directions is separated by special barriers. The speed of 110 km/h is allowed on a motorway, unless otherwise indicated. No stopping, turning or reversing is allowed on a motorway. Pedestrians and cyclists are not allowed on a motorway. Mopeds, tractors or motorized equipment are also prohibited. Only vehicles designed for the speed of 40 km/h and more are allowed.

Entering a motorway

When entering a motorway you have to give way to the traffic which is already travelling on a motorway. Usually motorways have special acceleration lane for you to increase the speed and enter the motorway safely when there is a gap in motorway traffic. Even though the traffic which is travelling on a motorway may facilitate your entry by slowing down or changing to a further lane, it is you who bears the responsibility to enter the motorway smoothly without disturbing others. When there is no acceleration lane, you will have a give way sign, meaning that you may need to stop and wait until there is a gap in motorway traffic so that you could enter safely.

Keep your distance

It is good to know that inadequate distance to the vehicle in front very often becomes the cause of accidents on motorways. Keeping insufficient distance is always risky, but in slippery or foggy conditions this risk becomes even greater. Every winter multiple collisions can happen on motorways due to icy road conditions sometimes combined with fog. The reason usually is that drivers keep insufficient distances to the vehicles in front, and once they realize they need to stop, there is not enough space to do so.

Other dangerous factors

Another risk factor is aquaplaning on wet road surface. Aquaplaning is especially likely on motorways because high speeds contribute to it.

In addition, on a motorway the driving can start feeling monotonous and the driver may lose concentration. If the driver is tired, there is a high risk of falling into a ‘microsleep’. This is very dangerous and often results in one-car accident when the vehicle moves down into the ditch.

If your car breaks down on a motorway you should park at the hard shoulder, as far from the carriageway as possible. Place the warning triangle in good distance from behind your vehicle. Call emergency services to be towed away, if necessary.

While travelling on a motorway you are not allowed to make U-turns, even though there are places where special vehicles such as maintenance vehicles, police and emergency services can make a U-turn.

Exiting a motorway

When exiting a motorway you should first regroup to the exit lane and only then slow down. By doing so you will avoid disturbing other motorway users travelling behind you. Remember that after high motorway speeds there is a risk of speed blindness. While driving in the exit lane, you should reduce your speed enough in order to smoothly enter into a sharp bend, which usually follows after a motorway exit.